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It is important to Virginia Hayward that this website is fully accessible to all users, and the content is as clear as possible.

Our aim is that visitors to the site can:

  • Navigate the site easily
  • Use assistive device technology, e.g. screen readers to listen to the site
  • Control the size of the text and ignore font sizes, styles and colours if necessary


The font size, style and colours can be changed by selecting “Tools, Internet options” and clicking the Accessibility button. There are options to ignore font styles, colours and font sizes.

The text size can be adjusted to suit by selecting “Page, Text Size” and choosing an appropriate text size.

Alternatively, you may also select the Accessories item within your Programs list and choose the Accessibility menu, followed by the Accessibility Wizard. This will help you configure Windows for your vision, hearing and mobility needs.


A site map is available if this method of navigation is preferred.


Changes to improve accessibility are ongoing, but if you come across pages which you find difficult to use or read, please call us on 01747 851515 or contact us by email and we will endeavour to assist you in your use of this website.

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