Ever since we introduced our empty wicker baskets, we’ve been asked how best to pack a hamper so that it not only survives its journey to its recipient intact, but also still retains the ‘wow’ factor, or the special touch that it had as you fastened the lid.
Of course you’ll start packing your hamper from the bottom upwards, so that’s where we’ll start, but before you even begin, make sure that you choose a basket which fits your goods as closely as possible so there’s very little empty space. Also, once you’ve decided on your products, put the brightest, most impressive products to one side for your special top layer.
- It’s important to make sure that you put your heavy items at the bottom of the basket, so that they don’t crush all the other goodies. We like to put a layer of cushioning, such as crumpled paper, on the bottom of the basket and then rest any glass bottles of drink on the bottom of the basket, individually wrapped so that if they do break, the liquid does as little damage as possible.
- Next, jars, tins and other heavy or rigid items go in on top of the wine. It’s also a good idea to make sure that you use some kind of filling (we use biodegradeable chips made from maize starch) to pack into any gaps, as it’ll prevent your products from moving around too much.
- Keep adding products and filling the spaces until you’ve only got the ‘top layer’ products that you put to one side left. Arrange these neatly on the top and pack around them with brightly coloured shredded paper or tissue paper so that your recipient opens the hamper to an explosion of colour and delicious treats.
We can supply all of the essential and decorative packaging that you need as well as empty wicker baskets.
[su_button url=”https://www.virginiahayward.com/hamper-range” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#078e8a” radius=”5″ text_shadow=”0px 1px 1px #000000″]View Our Range of Hampers Here[/su_button]